Have you ever wondered if there is a right or wrong choice when it comes to purchasing luxury handbags? Well there might not be a right or wrong answer, but there are definitely some bags that retain their value more than other trendy pieces that may not stand the test of time.
The date codes or serial numbers, as some may call them are important to understand for two main reasons. First, among other aspects, the serial code is an important feature of the bags when one is trying to confirm the authenticity of a Chanel purse. Second, and this is more important if you are in the market for a pre-loved bag, the serial number tells you the year in which the bag was manufactured. This crucial bit of information helps you manage your expectations in regard to the condition of a second-hand Chanel bag relative to its age.
Every Louis Vuitton bag from the last 40 years has a date code stamped somewhere on the bag. Since the brand implemented their date code stamps in the early 1980s, there has been some variation in the way the date of manufacturing of each bag has been represented.
Every Hermes handbag has the iconic “Hermes Paris Made in France” stamp somewhere close to the opening of the bag. This stamp will come in gold or silver to correspond to the hardware of the given bag. On the contrary to the Hermes stamp, the date stamp for these bags are a “blind stamp”, meaning it won’t be eye catching, and it could go easily unnoticed if you don’t know what you’re looking for.
When a friend and I connected on our love of fashion and designers, she told me about purchasing from a reseller. You mean... you can buy used purses? How do you know they are real? I started doing research. I will admit, buying that first thing, it is scary. It is a big investment, and a big financial commitment. I went to this website and filtered by “price: low to high” and looked for something my stomach could handle.