Louis Vuitton date codes refer to a type of letter and number combination that indicates the country, region, or city where the Louis Vuitton piece was manufactured and the year. Knowing how to read the Louis Vuitton date codes serves several important reasons like the authenticity verification, although it is not a guarantee, a correct date code might help make a Louis Vuitton item appear authentic. Most counterfeit bags have inaccurate or inconsistent date codes. Another thing is educating yourself about its history of production, from when it was made to where it came from, date codes can trace down the item into its place of origin and transport it to when it was made. In this sense, the date codes provide a very interesting history of your investment.
The information of where the Louis Vuitton was manufactured is priceless. It lets one know that whether it is authentic, with quality standards, and ethically produced, among other things, a possible resale value. The country codes used to identify where the items were made are typically two-letter codes. Below, listed is the common factory location codes.

Items produced prior to the year 1980 are not marked with date codes. On few pieces-before 1982, Louis Vuitton stamped small embossed mark with production dates (FC or SA-often seen on the Speedy and Keepall tabs). In the early 1980s, Louis Vuitton began using date codes consisting of three or four numbers. The first two numbers represented the year, and the last number(s) represented the month. Since the late 1980s, Louis Vuitton date codes have included numbers and two capital letters. These codes can tell you the year, week, and country of manufacture. In case such vintage handbags do not have a date code inside, it is perfectly alright.

The location of the date code varies depending on the style of the bag. Here are some common places where to find the code:
- Inside the bag: Often on a leather tab stitched into the lining, sometimes in a pocket.
- Embossed directly on the fabric: Often along a side seam.
- Exterior leather strap: Near a brass hinge.
- Wallets: Stamped on the inner edge of the notes compartment.
- Agendas: Stamped under the flap nearest to the seam.

Unraveling the Louis Vuitton date code helps learn more about your bag's history and, potentially verifies the authenticity. Date codes, however, by themselves cannot be the proof of authenticity. Louis Vuitton stopped using traditional date codes in March 2021 and replaced them with microchips embedded in their products, however you might find the codes on certain items produced before 2021 or on smaller accessories.
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